This 1 Thing Improves Mental Wellness

We’ve often heard how activities like spending time outside, improving sleep, and exercising can improve mental health. What is not as well known is the impact that spirituality has on mental health.

Spirituality is described as a belief that everyone is connected to a power greater than themselves and to each other. Many people confuse spirituality with religion but they are not the same. Spirituality is a personal experience where one feels connected to a higher power and seeks to find life’s meaning and purpose. In contrast, religion is an organized practice of worshiping/following a higher power with set rules that identify right and wrong.

Research has shown that spirituality greatly improves mental well-being. Those who felt accountable to a higher power also felt they mattered more to others, had a higher sense of self-worth, and found life more meaningful. When prayer was added to the regimen mental health improved even more.

Does this mean that you should have faith and everything will “be ok”? Absolutely not! It just showed that spirituality can increase mental toughness. During tough times those who are spiritual sought meaning, understanding, and support which improved their mental stability. Two things can be true at the same time. You can pray for wellness while at the same time receive treatment from a medical professional.

Spirituality motivates people to discover the how and why while also encouraging positive relationships with others and internally. It’s free, easy to access, and has proven benefits.

Here are some things that you can try:

  • Practice yoga

  • Go on a nature walk

  • Read inspirational books

  • Listen to a motivating podcast

  • Pray regularly

  • Journal

  • Volunteer to help those less fortunate

  • Practice gratitude

  • Identify what makes you feel at peace, loved, and safe

✌️Be Well


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