Habits Of The Happy 😊

Happiness always has been and always will be an inside job. There are wealthy people that are miserable and people living in poverty that are happy (and vice versa). The combination of things that make people happy may differ but the essential ingredients remain the same.

Happy people are happy because they are aware of their feelings and intentional about their thoughts and actions.

Here are the habits of the happy:

  • They put themselves first so they can help others when necessary.

  • They follow their natural bodily processes (circadian rhythm) for sleep and eating. Sleeping 7-9 hours and eating their last meal 3 hours (or more) before bed. This improves energy, focus, impulsivity, and concentration.

  • They use their food as medicine as much as they can. Aiming for 2 fruits and 3 veggies per day.

  • They drink plenty of water with the goal of consuming half their body weight in ounces. Proper hydration leads to better concentration and mood.

  • They live minimally by decreasing clutter and focusing on essentials.

  • They find balance in their lives. They prioritize religion, family, friends, health, and exercise.

  • They have jobs, habits, and partners that complement their lifestyle and well-being.

  • They strive for progress by working toward meaningful goals.

  • They stay active. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and improves mood.

  • They feel and express appreciation consistently.

  • They help others and do things of value.

  • They don’t rush. Slowing down allows time to recognize and appreciate the little things in life.

  • They rarely overindulge. They live by everything in moderation including moderation (Occasional splurges are ok!)

  • They surround themselves with good people. Happiness is contagious but so is negativity.

  • They smile often and are realistically optimistic.

  • They spend time outside. Walking and connecting with nature decreases stress.

  • They live in the present. They accept what cannot be changed and focus on what can.

  • They use coping tools to handle tough times and turn mistakes into lessons.

  • They understand the importance of healthy boundaries and communicate them to others.

  • They are spiritual. Spirituality connects us to something bigger than ourselves increasing hope and happiness.

Here are some actions you can take today:

Go for a 30-60 minute walk, keep a gratitude journal, list steps to accomplish a goal, create a vision board, practice reframing your thoughts, drink 1/2 your weight in ounces of water daily, do something nice for yourself, perform acts of kindness, complete a new activity, practice meditation/yoga, go on a bike ride, set a daily schedule.

✌️Be Well


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