15 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Relationship: (noun) The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

A connection can occur between an intimate partner, a friend, a colleague, and/or an associate. This connection grows into a relationship over time. Sustaining healthy relationships require certain characteristics.

Here are the 15 components present in healthy relationships:

  1. They have crucial conversations and feel safe discussing concerns.

  2. They disagree without holding a grudge or hurting each other.

  3. They support each other and give honest opinions.

  4. They have separate hobbies and friends.

  5. They feel happier together than apart.

  6. They respect boundaries and give space.

  7. They argue but resolve conflict (Studies have shown that happy couples argue once a week).

  8. They perform acts of kindness and show compassion.

  9. They make decisions together.

  10. They respect each otherโ€™s differences and trust each otherโ€™s judgment.

  11. They can be themselves without judgment.

  12. They contribute to the relationship and balance strengths/weaknesses.

  13. They are inspiring and encouraging.

  14. They work as a team.

  15. They spend time together to nurture the relationship.

Overall, healthy relationships must make people feel safe, heard, respected, and understood. How are you doing your part?

โœŒ๏ธBe well!


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